End-of-Life Coach

Determining one’s life priorities

Increasing meaning, purpose and joy for people at any life stage through end-of-life preparation.

As an End-of-Life Coach, I work with clients at all stages of life, not just those who are nearing the end of their lives. In fact, the earlier in life I work with someone, the more time they have to enjoy the benefits of all they learn from the experience!

In my coaching sessions, I use the Best Three Months© methodology in my coaching sessions to guide my clients to a clearer understanding of what is most important to them in their life. Together we use these insights to determine if there are any changes they want to make to the way they are currently living, and we identify concrete steps they can take to move forward in alignment with their priorities. While the focus is on the end of life, and we identify things that are important to the client with regards to their own death, this experience is ultimately as much about living as it is about dying. It uses our mortality as a lens through which we can see our life priorities more clearly and helps us live our lives accordingly.